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Do I Really Need an Elliptical?

Do I Really Need an Elliptical?

If you find yourself wondering if you need an elliptical, the answer to that question is yes! Who couldn’t benefit from an exercise machine capable of improving the functioning of your cardiovascular system, respiratory system, building endurance and strength? Elliptical trainers are an essential all in one machine ...

Should I Buy an Elliptical Machine Online?

Should I Buy an Elliptical Machine Online?

There are many places to buy an elliptical machine. These locations include specialty fitness stores, retailers and online from either a retailer or directly from the manufacturer. A specialty store is always highly recommended due to the level of service provided but you can also buy online. Buying online has its ...

Warranty on Elliptical Trainers

Warranty on Elliptical Trainers

Ellipticals usually offer different warranties for parts, labor, and frame. Frames usually don’t break and hence come with longer warranty covers. Parts are “wear items” and are handed a shorter warranty for obvious reasons. Labor warranty spans for a medium to short period on most machines. To make things simple, ...

Knee Pain? No Way!

Knee Pain? No Way!

Find Out How Your Elliptical may Cause Knee Pain Many users of the elliptical often claim that their knees are sore and weak after a workout. They also complain about discomfort in the feet in the workout process. This kind of pain is very common when using an elliptical and if you find yourself feeling that kind of ...

Elliptical Workouts – Glute Workout

Elliptical Workouts – Glute Workout

An elliptical machine can transform your backside. Everyone wants strong glutes and an elliptical can help you achieve that fitness goal. Many turn to the traditional squat (which can be hard on the knees), head over to the Stairmaster or pedal away on the stationary bike but why not try something new? This high ...

Is the Elliptical the Best for Cardio Respiratory Fitness?

Is the Elliptical the Best for Cardio Respiratory Fitness?

Here is the oldest question in the book: Which is better? The treadmill or the elliptical? Or maybe running will do the trick? Many people favor one, or two, or all three. It is really a personal preference, but there is a larger number of people who strongly prefer the elliptical over both the treadmill and running. ...

Why You’re Wrong by Not Using Low Impact Exercise Equipment

Why You’re Wrong by Not Using Low Impact Exercise Equipment

In today’s exercise world, low impact exercise equipment is on the rise and the demand for it continues to go up as more and more people learn about it. Why? Because this kind of equipment is desired by people who can’t seem to fit exercise into their schedule, have health problems, or do not want to have health ...

Best Recumbent Exercise Bike

Best Recumbent Exercise Bike

A recumbent bike is a type of stationary cycle used to tone, increase endurance and improve cardiovascular health. Recumbent bikes feature a backrest to provide cyclists with more balance and back support. The backrest puts the user in a reclined position with arms resting naturally at the sides. This keeps the body ...

Best Home Rowing Machines on a Budget

Best Home Rowing Machines on a Budget

Anyone that wants to take their home workouts to the next level should consider investing in a rowing machine. This extremely useful piece of equipment, also known as an ergometer, provides a full body workout with one fluid yet challenging motion. This necessary addition to any home gym simulates the action of ...

Weight Benches

Weight Benches

Every home gym needs a weight bench. Strength training is one of the most common types of training done by fitness enthusiasts. Building muscle burns fat and has transformative effects on the physique. In order to target specific muscle groups and perform certain lifts like the bench press and dumbbell flys, a bench ...

Best Cheap Treadmill for Home

Best Cheap Treadmill for Home

A treadmill is an indoor exercise machine used for cardiovascular exercise and lower body toning. The user has the option to walk, jog or run in place. A person stands on the circular belt that loops around the base and performs his/her desired exercise. This machine is often found in fitness and sports clubs but ...

Best Exercise Ball​s for your Home

Best Exercise Ball​s for your Home

An exercise ball is an easy and affordable way to add variation to your home workouts. For those who do not know, an exercise ball is a lightweight inflatable ball that can be used in numerous fitness exercises. The ball is constructed from plastic and comes in different sizes ranging from 45 cm in diameter to 75 cm ...

Review of Elliptical Trainer